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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

RNLI visit 14th February 2017 - Key Stage 2

14th Feb 2017

On Tuesday, Key Stage 2 had a special assembly presented by the Royal National Lifeboat Institute when two life guards came to talk to us about keeping safe at the beach.


We learnt how to recognise the lifeguards by their red and yellow uniform and what clothes they wear on the beach and on the jetskis.


We also learnt that the Red flag means danger but the red and yellow flags show us where we can swim.


A really important lesson for us was about riptides and what to do if we get caught in one:

  • Don't panic
  • Hold onto something that floats
  • Shout and wave for help
  • Swim out to the sides of the rip - not against it

If we see someone in trouble, we should not go into the water after them but should call a lifeguard.


We had a very enjoable and informative assembly.

Thank you to the RNLI