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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

Our Eco-Garden

5th May 2017

We are delighted with our new Eco-Garden in school. A big thank you to the following businesses which have donated money and/or materials to help, further details will follow in the next newsletter:

  • Gardens 'R' Us
  • Graham Construction
  • Tesco
  • Wrights Accident Repairs
  • NFU Mutual, Banbridge (S A Macauley & D M Simpson)
  • The Olde Mill Nursery
  • JP Corry
  • Gilmore Developments
  • SuperValu
  • B & Q

We'd like to make special mention of local company Gardens 'R' Us. They donated time to build a grow bed for each year group, a mini-beast bed, a seating area for outdoor learning and mounted feeders and boxes for wildlife. Some children have been very busy preparing these for the classes to use and over the next few days, pupils will be planting lettuce, carrots, spring onions and beetroot. We also have strawberry, raspberry and blueberry plants in our garden and can't wait to taste the berries they produce! We hope the children will benefit greatly from this venture and look forward to keeping you updated with photos and news in future.