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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore



We are delighted to announce that our afterschool club "JUMP" will be restarting on Friday 13th September.  JUMP is a club whose core themes are Joy, Unity, Message and Purpose.  During JUMP, our children enjoy lively music, hear Bible stories and engage in lots of fun and games.  We are looking forward to seeing many pupils joining us for a fun-filled hour.


This club is for pupils from Years 4-7 and will take place after school on Friday afternoons from 2.45pm - 3.45pm.  During this term, our dates for this afterschool club are as follows:

Friday 13th September

Friday 20th September

Friday 27th September

Friday 4th October

Friday 11th October

Friday 18th October

Friday 8th November

Friday 15th November

Friday 22nd November

Friday 29th November