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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

Halloween Fun in Miss McKeown/Mrs Finch's P2 classroom

28th Oct 2016

Icing takes a lot of concentration!
Icing takes a lot of concentration!
Icing gingerbread ghosts.
Icing gingerbread ghosts.
We had a skeleton in class today!
We had a skeleton in class today!
Using marshmallows and red icing to make scary eyeballs.
Using marshmallows and red icing to make scary eyeballs.
Very neatly iced figures.
Very neatly iced figures.
We did beautiful handwriting.
We did beautiful handwriting.
Dressed to impress on our Strictly Dress-up Day.
Dressed to impress on our Strictly Dress-up Day.
We like Halloween.
We like Halloween.
The finished product!
The finished product!