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Dromore Central Primary School, Dromore

Back in time to WW2 in Miss Calvert's P4 class

18th Nov 2017

We weren't so happy about leaving our families
We weren't so happy about leaving our families
These are a few of our favourite things
These are a few of our favourite things
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
We practised how to properly put a gas mask on
Our class looks a little different today
Our class looks a little different today
Having fun being all dressed up
Having fun being all dressed up
Having fun being all dressed up
Having fun being all dressed up
Authentic gas masks brought in by our classmates
Authentic gas masks brought in by our classmates